Inside Alpian: A word from our CEO
Hello. I’m Schuyler Weiss.
I write this memo to share an important detail with you about Alpian’s investment offering. Specifically, that we’ve built it for you, not us.
Each and every one of the securities inside the Alpian universe has been hand-picked with your returns in mind. However, our product selection was not conducted in a classic fashion.
It is commonplace in the financial industry for investment funds to provide a distribution fee to professionals and institutions like us who connect them with investors. However, we feel that such compensation prioritizes a bank’s profits over its clients’. For that reason, our investment team has dedicated countless hours to selecting investment securities entirely independently.
The word “sell” is banned at Alpian.
Your experience as an Alpian client will be fundamentally different from those offered by other banks. We’ve underpinned our services with a model that incentivizes our team to deliver exceptional client satisfaction, rather than push products or open accounts.
Our belief is that by prioritizing a long-term partnership that promotes our clients’ well-being, our goals and those of our clients are one and the same. Client-centricity is the very foundation of Alpian’s business model, and I invite you to discover this for yourself.
Yours Sincerely
Schuyler Weiss,
Co-Founder and CEO Alpian