Swiss franc to Euro
Convert CHF to EUR and discover Alpian’s advantageous rates for exchanging or sending money.
Currency exchange rates over time
Please note that currency exchange rates on our website are updated periodically and may not reflect real-time values. For up-to-the-minute rates, refer to our mobile app, where updates occur in real-time. The information provided is for reference only and not intended for trading decisions. Exchange rates may vary, and we cannot guarantee their accuracy at any given time due to potential delays and market changes. By accessing our services, you acknowledge the possibility of discrepancies between displayed and actual transaction rates. We advise users to verify current rates independently before any currency exchange activities. This notice is in accordance with Swiss regulations to ensure user awareness and transparency.
Conversion rate examples
From Swiss francs to euros
From euros to Swiss francs

Save 7 times more
Traditional Swiss banks charge an average exchange rate mark-up of 1.4% plus transaction fees. With rates as low as 0.2% and zero commission per transaction, you can enjoy significant savings when using your Alpian card or making international money transfers.

Exchange with Swiss security
Many low-cost exchange services lack regulation in Switzerland. As a FINMA-licensed bank, you benefit from low exchange rates and the security of a regulated Swiss institution. Enjoy peace of mind and substantial savings with Alpian.
Our clients speak
"The foreign exchange rates are excellent. I can't find any other bank with lower fees."
Armin P.
Frequently asked questions
How much does Alpian cost?
Opening and maintaining an Alpian bank account is free of charge. We charge a management fee of 0.75% per year for investments. For more specific details, please visit our pricing page.
What currencies can I exchange with my Alpian account?
Our multi-currency account allows you to hold, manage, and transact in multiple currencies under a single IBAN. At Alpian, our multi-currency account currently supports CHF, EUR, USD, and GBP.
How does the exchange rate work when using the Alpian card for purchases in foreign currencies?
When you use your Alpian Visa debit card to pay in a currency other than CHF, EUR, USD, or GBP, here's how it works:
Check balance: Alpian first checks if you have sufficient funds in the transaction currency.
Automatic exchange: If the funds are insufficient, the exchange will automatically be made from the currency with the highest balance in your account.
Visa Rate: The exchange rate applied to these transactions is the Visa rate, which is published on the Visa website and may vary daily.
Low fees: Alpian applies a minimal FX mark-up of 0.20% during business days and 0.50% over weekends.
This ensures transparency and cost-effectiveness, allowing you to pay in local currencies without hidden fees.
Does Alpian offer rates for other currencies?
Incoming transfers in the following currencies AED, AUD, CAD, CZK, DKK, GBP, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, SAR, SEK, SGD, TRY, ZAR, will be automatically converted and credited into the CHF account, the conversion rate effective at the time of transaction will be applied.
How much does it cost to exchange currencies with Alpian?
Alpian only charges one of the lowest markups in the country and zero transaction fees. This rate is among the most favorable in Switzerland, ensuring you receive the best value for your international transactions. Find the full breakdown of fees for your card payments and international money transfers on our Pricing page.
How can we offer such low exchange rates?
High fees for paying and withdrawing money abroad can be frustrating. Alpian puts an end to exorbitant commissions and unfavourable rates by offering foreign exchange capabilities at one of the lowest fees in the Swiss market: 0.20%. This fee isn't about making a profit; it simply covers the exchange process. At Alpian, we're committed to transparency in pricing – we only charge you when a service demands our expert touch.